Monday, 2 May 2011

April 26th 2011

As usual on my first night anywhere different I didn’t have the best sleep ever, the noise of the air con and what sounded like a generator humming outside kept disturbing me. Remi woke me around eight to ask if I wanted breakfast, I showered which is an all together different experience from home, not the high powered shower I am used to, but a bit more than a trickle, but with the aide of a bucket and bowl which every Nigerian must be familiar with all was OK.
Remi I feel is going to attempt to feed me to death, she made a huge breakfast of scrambled eggs, with mixed veg and chillies, sausages and toast a delicious start to the morning.

Today is Election Day (one of many as they don’t do them all on one day here). This means it’s quieter out, similar to a bank holiday. I walked with Femi and Remi to the polling station a few streets away. I was welcomed by the locals and offered food and shade, which I declined as I was full from my breakfast banquet. We got there only for Femi to find out his name wasn’t on their list to vote, even though he had a card saying to do so. They told him to return later in the day, it appeared he wasn’t the only one to not be included on the list.

Remi and I left Femi walked to see and discuss her wedding cake at the house of the Doctor who’s restaurant in Ikeja  I visited on my last trip where at last I had a great cup of coffee, a must visit for any one coming here. The doctor seemed a charming man who made us welcome and then walked with us some of the way back before catching his lift to another appointment.
We then visited some neighbours who had three lovely children the youngest about 16 months was very bemused by me and clung to Remi not being familiar with oyibo (white person). Eventually he smiled and clapped at me at least from a distance.
We went home and Remi prepared another lovely meal of fried rice, plantain and meat whilst I watch Nigerian TV from African Magic to music and a few American things in between.
We all rested in the afternoon heat and I read and blogged as well as grabbed forty winks before heading to the airport. Femi’s sister Folake was arriving from the UK, we were originally going to fly together but we couldn’t make the same day. We met up with other family members including Femi’s mum who I hadn’t met before but have heard a lot about from Femi. She is a lovely lady, reminding me of Folake in her ways laughter and talking. Also Folake’s older son who still lives in Lagos, when she arrived and saw him the tears of joy were unstoppable. It was a touching moment to see a mothers love for her son that she hadn’t seen in quite some time. We had been there for two hours waiting for her to come through with her baggage. In Lagos airport nobody is allowed inside to greet people, we even had to slip something into the guards hand to allow us to wait outside the doors, it’s a busy place. We all had our hugs and walked her to the car park past all the money touts and people trying to grab your business or attention.

On our return Remi wanted to cook again but we agreed on a lighter snack, Femi decided to do cup cakes Femi style, this ended up being a huge bowl of custard with a cup cake in it, which we all sat and enjoyed. Followed by a chase around the bath of the odd insect, before stupidly losing my ring down the sink plug hole! Then blog and bed and hopefully a better nights sleep.

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